Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bridesmaids dress update and general craftiness...

The holiday time really kicked my blogging bum...

Since my last update, I have found and fell in love with new bridesmaid dresses. I happened upon stewart & brown a really awesome organic clothing company and found these beauties which come in black!

I sent the info out the gals and a few days later they went on sale for HALF OFF! The girls jumped on board and the dress should be arriving any day now. These dresses fit right into the "eco-chic" aspect of our wedding. They're made of 100% organic cotton, are made in the usa and just happen to be pretty darn adorable.

In other news, I have been a crafting machine. I have no less than 5 different DIY projects going on right now including invitations, dessert buffet decorations, after party announcements, hair accessories for the girls, centerpieces and so on.

My latest project are the boutonnieres. I poured through the internet and Etsy for inspiration and in the end came up with these...

I've got many more of these to make but I think the first one came out pretty good. If any one wants DIY steps, just let me know. I'll have much more to post later!


Amy Boeve Photography said...

LOVE these dresses!

Anonymous said...

Hey Crystal! Where are you getting married at???



the bout's are so cute!

jessica lynn said...

oh. my. goodness. that bout is ADORABLE!